Sten Carlsson - +46708653641 [email protected]

Innospec products

By Sten Carlsson

SACson AB - Chevron Marine Lubricants agent

innospec marine fuel specialties

SACson AB offer innospec Marine Fuel Additives

SACson AB through its collaboration with Innospec, we can provide you with the next generation of fuel additives.
Marine fuel additives, and marine diesel treatments.
We understand the challenges facing the marine industry and can provide you with the next generation of fuel additives.

SACson AB with products from Innospect and OctamarTM can help your fleet achieved up to 3.9% fuel economy improvement.

Our products combine a powerful combustion catalyst with a fuel stabiliser/dispersant to create better fuel atomisation and injector spray pattern.
They improve Fuel Economy (SFOC) and significantly reduce unburnt fuel and deposits in the exhaust system.

The performance of our Octamar™ range of combustion catalysts, which includes Octamar™ Ultra HF, Octamar™ Complete, and Octamar™ F35C, has been recognized by the leading ship classification society ClassNK.
The range has been awarded an Innovation Endorsement for Products & Solutions.


ClassNK verified that Octamar™ cuts down on piston fouling, improves the cleanliness condition and efficiency of the turbocharger and economiser and reduces unburned carbon deposits in the exhaust system.
Particulate Matter, a key driver in post-combustion deposits, black smoke, carbon and other harmful substances is significantly reduced. Improving fuel economy also reduces CO2 emissions.

In eight separate field trials, Octamar™ combustion catalysts achieved up to 3.9% fuel economy improvement and a 60% reduction in Particulate Matter (PM).



Providing Practical Solutions

After decades of fleet trials, test bed data and laboratory analysis,
it is clear the potential benefits of this technology extend beyond fuel economy. Octamar™ not only optimises engine reliability and boosts engine performance, but it also reduces maintenance requirements and harmful emissions.



Supporting The Marine Industry

This site is designed to share news, insights, trends and analysis from the marine industry. It includes information gained in the laboratory and the field. World leading experts with technical, scientific and customer facing backgrounds contribute their knowledge and experience in the spirit of collaboration.

ClassNK verified that Octamar™ cuts down on piston fouling, improves the cleanliness condition and efficiency of the turbocharger and economiser and reduces unburned carbon deposits in the exhaust system.
Particulate Matter, a key driver in post-combustion deposits, black smoke, carbon and other harmful substances is significantly reduced. Improving fuel economy also reduces CO2 emissions.

Improving Fleet Performance

Innospec is the world’s largest supplier of marine fuel additives. Our focus is on improving fleet performance whatever type of residual fuel is being used. Through continual innovation we strive to improve operational efficiency and reduce fleet costs. The benefits of a stable fuel with a better combustion profile and combustion efficiency are proven to impact fuel economy directly. Perhaps more importantly, efficient combustion reduces the emissions of substances harmful to human health and the environment.

Biofuel Future?

Biofuels are being considered as possible replacements for today’s marine fuels, particularly in older fleets. FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) Biodiesel, derived from renewable sources, is seen as a potential ‘drop in’ solution. However, like VLSFO, these fuels present their own set of challenges in a marine environment. Thanks to our in-depth knowledge of biofuel treatment, gained over many years, we ensured our Octamar™ products were developed from the outset to be ‘biofuel ready’.


In the last year, both in the laboratory and in the field, we’ve seen outstanding results with Innospec’s Octamar™ range of products. Examples include:

in the lab
in the field

In The Laboratory

Laboratory images show two fuels, one low and one high, that have been heated to 100°C for 24 Hours. The liquid was then removed and here you can see the sedimentation, aged paraffinic and residual content. Once treated the same fuels are able to withstand stress and remain homogenous.

In The Field

In the field we have helped hundreds of customers treat fuels to optimise the conditions onboard. Less, sludge, means less wasted fuel, less unplanned maintenance and defects, and better conditions for the crew.


SACson AB through its collaboration with Innospec offers a unique and cost-effective solution

By pre-treating VLSFO you can solve the problem of fuel instability and tank mix incompatibility. Innospec’s Octamar™ range are the only additives that protect against both distillate sludge and asphaltene sludge.

Link to more info on Octamar – Industry Insights

Insights & Resources Supporting the Marine Industry


ISO for the development of the Classification & Specification of Marine Fuels. ISO8216 and ISO8217.

International Council of Combustion Engines (CIMAC) working group 7 (Fuels).

Lloyds Register, have independently verified the claims associated with Innospec products under rigorous conditions, providing assurance that the product performs.

Class NK verified that Octamar™ products leading to the issuance of an Innovation Endorsement certificate 2022.

Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) marine fuel committee – world largest bunkering port.

For more information Contact us

Part of content in this page relate to Info from Innospecs dedicated Octamar site

For more information go to Octamar – Innospec Marine Fuel Watch