By Sten Carlsson

SACson AB – Chevron Marine Lubricants.
Sales of Chevron Marine Lubricants to international customers mainly located in Sweden,
Finland and Poland are contracted to SACson AB as agent.
SACson AB supplies its customers with Marine Lubricants, marine oils.
SACson AB – Marine Lubricant agent
Offer Chevrons new Taro Ultra cylinder oil line – Complete peace of mind.
Taro Ultra – Cylinder lubricants for every need
Taro Ultra — formulated to cope with the demands and provide the flexibility needed post IMO 2020 implementation.
Developed and field tested for over 75,000 hours in a range of 2-stroke engines and vessel applications using a variety of bunker fuels, including 0.50% sulfur blends, alternative and hybrid fuels as well as traditional bunker fuels to mirror almost all future operations.
Major OEMs recommend using an oil condition monitoring program such as DOT.FAST to ensure continued good performance and minimize feedrates.
Our strong working relationships with major marine OEMs provides the reassurance you expect from Chevron Marine Lubricants.
Taro Ultra Advanced 40. Approved for: MAN Energy Solutions (Category II cylinder oils)
In April 2022, Taro Ultra Advanced 40 became one of the first oil to be granted a ‘no-objection letter’ (NOL) by MAN ES, confirming that it can be used continuously, without the need to switch to high-BN lubes.
This reduces operational complexity for ships’ engineers and removes the need to carry multiple grades of oil.
Development and approval tests of Taro Ultra Advanced 40 took place on vessels with MAN 8G80ME-C9.2 engine burning VLSFO, but Taro Ultra Advanced 40 is also suitable for use with other low-sulphur fuels, such as ULSFO, LNG and methanol.
This versatility is crucial for SIEM car carriers, which will be using the oil in the LNG-fuelled MAN ES 7S60 ME-C GI 12,614kW low-speed engines installed in its 7,500-car capacity sister ships, SIEM Aristotle and SIEM Confucius.
These are deep-sea car and truck carriers equipped with dual-fuel engines, designed to operate on LNG and marine gas oil, which helps provide economic efficient operation.
Sacson AB now have Taro Ultra Advanced for sale
Lubrication is the lifeblod of your engine …
… and at SACson AB with Chevron Marine Lubricants we have years of experience developing high performance lubrication oils and support services to keep your vessels running smoothly.
We have formulated Taro Ultra to provide regulation-ready, tailor made solutions covering every compliant fuel requirement, delivering our customers peace of mind whichever operational route they choose, wherever in the world they are.
Chevron’s Taro Ultra Advanced 40 is formulated to help shipowners successfully adopt alternative fuel choices while keeping its machinery clean, as Luc Verbeeke, Chevron Marine Lubricants, explains.
New Innospec fuel product approved
For more information go to our innospec page
SACson Links:
DOT.FAST Onboard Drip Oil Sampling Instructional Video
Shipping instructions for Fast
Fast Online Service-Video
Fast Onboard Test Kit
Fast Services
FAST-Fluid Analysis Service & Trending Instructional Video
Live AIS
Product Brochures
Products and services in our Virtual Port
FAST OnBoardbrochure.pdf
DOT.FAST® drip oil analysis Onboard and onshore testing
Oil Condition Report
Safety Data Sheets
Want to know where your ships are?
Take a look at our Live AIS map
SACson AB with Chevron Marine Lubricants are a leading supplier of marine lubricants and coolants worldwide.
Our service is reliable, flexible, innovative and focused on the customer needs.
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